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Join now

  • 1 Personal information
  • 2 Membership and payment information
  • 3 Declaration & verification
  • 4 Direct Debit Setup
  • 5 Application complete

Do you need help completing this form?


Call us on 01474 567050

Would you prefer an offline application?

Download our application form and post or email it back to us.

    Identity checks

    We are required to verify your identity when you become a Member of the Society.

    Please upload two separate forms of identification for your name and address. For example, if you provide your driving licence as proof of your name you must provide another form of identification for your address, such as a utility bill.

    Membership details

    Premium and payments

    Total Premium:

    Enter your nominated bank details for claim payments to be paid. Please note these should be the same as those provided for your Direct Debit membership fees

    Please read the declarations and confirm your consent

    Please read the declarations below and confirm your consent.

    Email verification

    To complete your claims submission:

    1. Press the green verification code button below
    2. We will send a verification code to the email address used on this claim form
    3. If the email address is incorrect or blank please contact our membership support team on 01474 567050 or email us at info@graveshamfriendly.co.uk and we will update your membership contact details.
    4. Copy and paste or key in the verification code from the email into the verification code box below and press submit.

    Once this form is submitted you will be redirected to a page containing our bank details for payment.

    Completing this form will not result in you receiving additional marketing information from us.